Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Daring Paradigm Healing Hospital

Question: Describe the components of a healing hospital and their relationship to spirituality. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers and complexities of the hospital environment? and Include biblical aspects that support the concept of a healing hospital? Answer: The word healing is derived from the word haelen the literary meaning of which is to make whole. Healing can be defined as the coordination or the harmony of body, mind and spirit. A healing environment is known to considerable reduce the anxiety and stress of a person which in turn promotes the health and wellbeing of a person (Mike W. Martin, 2009). A healing hospital provides mental healing of the patient along with the physical cure. The philosophy of the healing hospitals are based on the holistic approach of care and supports both physical and mental health of the patients (Ananth Smith, 2008). There are three major components of a healing hospital. These are a physical healing environment, integration of technology and a radical loving care culture (Gearey, 2007). All the three components are very important to provide success to the healing hospitals. The first component of a healing hospital is to create a physical environment of healing. This includes generating a quite environment that allows a patient to sleep which in turn helps the regeneration of his cells, making the healing process faster. The quite environment also reduces the stress of the patients as well as the family members and the care givers (Ziegler, 2008). In order to provide a quite environment to the patients various physical changes are needed to be done in the hospital. For example, carpeting the patients surrounding areas, using silencer in the machines etc. Another component is the integration of technology. This component allows the patient to conserve their dignity during hospitalization. It also offers patients with entertainments that can be availed in room. The advanced technology is also associated with increased speed of care which is known to decrease the anxiety of the patients (Prasetyono, 2009). The other component is the radical loving care culture, which is the main component of the healing environment. The culture of love and care can be fostered in the hospital environment when the healthcare workers remain committed to provide the patients with an environment of loving care that is directed to individual patients (Shelley, 2015). This component not only emphasized on meeting the physical need but also the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient. Healing is closely related to spirituality. It has been found that spirituality accelerates the healing process of a patient, by importing the positive thinking and hope in the patient (Powell, 2005). Spirituality is also associated with the reduction of stress and anxiety in the patients (Fisher, 2004). So, the health care professionals should not discourage the spiritual beliefs of a patient, rather they should respect the spiritual thoughts of the patients in order to promote the healing process. Creating a healing environment in the hospital is a challenging process. There are several barriers that the hospitals have to overcome in order to provide the patients with an effective healing environment. One of the major challenges that the hospitals face is the financial barrier. The changes that are needed for providing a quite environment to the patients i.e. carpeting the floors, using silencers in the machines etc. are costly (Ananth Smith, 2008). Another important challenge that the hospitals have to face is the challenge regarding the bringing of the various hospital staffs together with the healing philosophy. It is very important to make the staffs understand that they are needed to be a part of a patients life during the stressful time and they are able to make differences in his or her life with each encounter. Another potential challenge is the integration of technology and work design. It is important for the hospitals to increase the efficiency of the staffs. The work design should include increased security and privacy for the patients. The integration of technology includes implementation of advanced technology in order to make the healing process faster. But this technological integration is very costly, which poses barrier to the healing hospitals. The biblical verse of Jeremiah 33:6 is the best fit for the philosophical views of the healing hospitals. This verse depicts the importance of health and healing in order to enjoy the security and peace of life (Leathard, 2003). The philosophy of the healing hospitals are based on the thoughts of this verse i.e. the care givers are not only associated with the physical cure of the patient but also are responsible for promoting the spiritual and emotional health of the patients. All the hospitals should promote the philosophy of the healing hospitals in order to accelerate the healing process of the patients and to promote health and wellbeing to the patients. References Ananth, S., Smith, K. (2008). Hospital Initiatives: A Pilot Survey of Healing Programs.EXPLORE: The Journal Of Science And Healing,4(5), 333-334. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2008.07.008 Ananth, S., Smith, K. (2008). Hospital Initiatives: A Pilot Survey of Healing Programs.EXPLORE: The Journal Of Science And Healing,4(5), 333-334. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2008.07.008 Fisher, D. (2004). Reflexology, holism and spiritual healing.Spirituality And Health International,5(1), 43-45. doi:10.1002/shi.211 Gearey, J. (2007). Healing in Sadaam's Hospital.Canadian Medical Association Journal,177(1), 24-24. doi:10.1503/cmaj.070615 Leathard, H. (2003). Healing in the christian tradition.Spirituality And Health International,4(2), 33-39. doi:10.1002/shi.159 Mike W. Martin,. (2009). Truth and Healing a Veteran's Depression.Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology,16(3), 229-231. doi:10.1353/ppp.0.0254 Powell, A. (2005). Spirituality, healing and the mind.Spirituality And Health International,6(3), 166-172. doi:10.1002/shi.7 Prasetyono, T. (2009). General concept of wound healing, revisited.Med J Indones, 208. doi:10.13181/mji.v18i3.364 Shelley, B. (2015). Torchbearers of humanism and spiritualism to foster the healing encounter in 21 st century medicine.Arch Med Health Sci,3(1), 1. doi:10.4103/2321-4848.154916 Ziegler, J. (2008). The Renaissance Hospital: Healing the Body and Healing the Soul.The English Historical Review,CXXIII(503), 1016-1019. doi:10.1093/ehr/cen244

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