Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Physical Activity, Lifestyle Wellbeing Nursing Coursework - 550 Words

Physical Activity, Lifestyle and Wellbeing Nursing Coursework (Coursework Sample) Content: Essay TopicAuthors nameName of InstitutionRelationship between excessive alcohol consumption, stress, smoking, health and wellbeingStressStress is defined as the feeling of being under too much pressure. It could be either metal or emotional and in which one is unable to cope in extreme cases. People turn to various ways to cope with the pressure. One way could be alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking. The drugs offer temporary relief from the stress. A person may seek more than way of coping for example drinking excessive amounts of alcohol as well as chain smoking (McConnon, 2013). Users of these drugs are under the risk of becoming dependants hence they may end up becoming fully reliant on these drugs. Smokers tend to experience above average levels of stress. Research indicates stress leads to nicotine dependency.SmokingSmoking affects the health of the individual by increasing their likelihood of suffering from lung and throat cancer due to carcinogens presen t in tobacco. Tobacco has also been linked to obstructive pulmonary disease, heart attacks, chronic bronchitis and strokes. Five million people lose their lives annually due to tobacco use. The lifespan of smokers is also affected they are expected to live 7 years less than non-smokers (Wand, 2012). In females, smoking has been found to harm ovaries which explains the high rates of infertility in smokers. Studies have shown that smokers experience less stress after quitting. There is a positive correlation between smoking and psychological distress both in first and second hand smokers. Smokers have to spend a lot of money in rehabilitation centres and also in hospital bills in terms of medical care. This potentially increases their stress levels as they may be living beyond their means.AlcoholAlcohol is another common coping mechanism which contributes to anxiety and depression in the long run. Alcohol causes liver damage, increases the risk of developing certain cancers and weake ns the immune system (Friedman, 2010). The health problems that result from alcohol abuse are stressors which in turn result in more indulgence of alcohol. As had been stated earlier, people tend to adopt more than one coping strategy hence one could be a smoker and a drinker as well. Their combined effect is to worsen anxiety and depression potentially causing the person to take hard narcotics.Stress managementThere are several measures that can be taken up by the government both at the local and national level. Stress, smoking and alcohol affect the countrys workforce. Important people die prematurely before serving their country. It also affects families through the loss of family members. Since most users use them as coping mechanisms it is paramount to offer better coping methods ...

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